By including Seattle JazzED in your will or estate plan, you ensure that future generations of students will have access to music education, no matter their financial circumstances. A planned gift leaves a legacy of opportunity and creativity for the next generation of young musicians.

Your will or trust is a flexible way to give

Gifting through your will or trust gives you the flexibility to specify a dollar amount, a particular asset (such as real estate or stock), or a percentage of your estate. You can also choose to leave the remainder of your estate to Seattle JazzED, after other bequests are fulfilled.

You have the option to direct your gift toward our immediate programs, ensuring students receive scholarships, instruments, and quality music education right away. Alternatively, you can designate your gift to our Jazz Futures Fund, helping to secure the future of Seattle JazzED and ensuring our mission continues for generations to come.

And remember, if your circumstances change, you have the ability to modify or update your gift at any time.

How to Give Through Your Will or Trust

First, consult with your legal and financial advisors to ensure your plans align with your personal, family, and philanthropic goals. There are several ways you can make a gift through your will or trust to support Seattle JazzED and the causes you care about, including specific gifts and contingent gifts.

Specific Gift

A specific gift allows you to designate a particular dollar amount, asset, or item to be left to a person or organization of your choice. If you want to leave a specific sum of money, an asset (such as securities or real estate), or a unique item, this is the type of bequest you would use.

Example: Billie states in her will: “I leave my piano to my granddaughter, Emily. I leave my securities to Seattle JazzED to support music education programs for children.”

Contingent Gift

A contingent gift is fulfilled only if certain conditions are met. For example, if your primary beneficiary does not survive you, a contingent bequest ensures that your next choice will benefit. This type of gift is often used as a backup plan to ensure your legacy is carried out according to your wishes.

Example: Duke states in his will: “I give all of my personal estate to my wife, Edna, if she survives me; if not, then I give 50% to my children who survive me and 50% to Seattle JazzED.”

Suggested Language

For your convenience, we’ve provided some suggested language that you may use in your will or trust to include a gift to Seattle JazzED. We encourage you to work with your attorney to adapt this language to fit your individual circumstances.

Suggested Language: "I give to Seattle JazzED, a Washington nonprofit corporation with its principal offices at 380 Boren Ave North, Seattle, Washington 98109, (the sum of $_____) (or _____% of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes."

Seattle JazzED is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Seattle, Washington, and is exempt from federal taxation. Tax identification number: 27-1440873


Ready to make a gift?

We’d be more than happy to chat with you to help you create a gift that works best for you.

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Have Questions?

If you have any questions about donations, please reach out to our Development Team at or calling/texting 206-324-5299. We’re happy to assist you with the process and help you maximize the impact of your gift.