Explorations is all about, well, exploring! Now that you are comfortable making music with your instrument, is there a particular topic that seems interesting? Maybe you want to play gigs but don’t know how to start, or maybe you want to dig in to modern jazz, or Latin music! Explorations includes a variety of ENSEMBLES and CLASSES so there’s something for everyone.
Note: offerings change throughout the year, so be sure to check back every quarter.
Program details
All ensembles and classes are held at 380 Boren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109 in the South Lake Union neighborhood. Click here for a map.
Femme Ellington Project
The Femme Ellington Project is Seattle’s all-girls, all-city jazz band. This ensemble rehearses during the fall and winter sessions. Registration is closed for this season.
Jazz Lab: Gigging and Mentorship
Dive into the captivating world of jazz through our unique combination of mentorship, performance training, and collective exploration. This class focuses on honing improvisation skills, like bandstand etiquette and how to call a tune and music teaching techniques. Young musicians don’t have to know how to improvise already, but should be ready to dive in!
Open to grades 9-12.
“When we play we don’t just read the music, we create it.”