Bring Seattle JazzED to your classroom
Book a free band or orchestra clinic today!
Come away with practical tools to make your ensemble sound better.
Music educators with student big bands, concert bands, and orchestras of all ages are encouraged to visit Seattle JazzED for a clinic OR schedule a clinic at your Seattle-region school.
Clinics will be with Walter Cano or another qualified music educator of JazzED.
Clinics are typically one hour (or one class period) in length.
Cost: FREE!*
The first clinic is free, and for additional requested clinics, the cost is $100 per hour.
To set up your clinic, fill out our easy clinic request form below. We will customize your clinic to accommodate your group’s needs and schedule.
Walter Cano, Seattle JazzED’s Equipment Manager and Interim Education Lead
206-324-JAZZ (5299)
What students and teachers are saying about Seattle JazzED School Clinics...
“Thanks again! You were awesome! I really appreciate your respectful and positive nature, and your expertise is superior! ”
“Thank you so much for the amazing workshop. I know the students got a lot out of it as did I.”
“Thanks again, for making the trek out to Redmond this morning—much appreciated. You gave the kids good information that can be put into practice right away. Good to see that reinforcement.”
“Thank you for being our guest director and guiding us through our music at the Reno Honor Jazz Band. You were super fun and brought a lot of light into the room. I had an awesome time playing with you.”